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发表时间:11-02-21 来自: 作者:教宗若望保禄二世  点击次数:6204
1. 记得公元2000年大禧年的世界青年日,我们在罗马共度了美好的时刻,当时的情景至今仍历历在目。各位曾到宗徒伯多禄和保禄的墓前朝圣,你们肃静地排着长长的队伍通过圣门,幷准备领受和好圣事;还有在杜维嘉(Tor Vergata)大学的守夜祈祷及清晨弥撒,这些都加深了你们的灵修精神以及对教会的深刻体验;你们带着焕然一新的信德回家,承担起我交托给你们的使命:在新的千年的开始,勇敢地为福音做见证。
追求那位绝对者(the Absolute),追求生命的意义和圆满,是人类的天性,尤其是年轻人的天性。亲爱的年轻人,不要以那些次等的理想为满足!不要因为某些人对生命的失望与漠视心灵深处最真实的渴望,而感到气馁。你们理所当然地要排拒空洞贫乏的娱乐、昙花一现的流行事物和目光短浅的生涯规画。如果你能热切渴望天主,就能幸免于那遍存在我们社会上的甘于平庸及因循苟且的心态。
3. 「你们是世界的光……」。对那许多从起初就听到耶稣宣讲的人,一如对我们来说,「光」的标志会激发人追寻真理,渴求知识的圆满,这些都是早已铭刻在每个人心田深处的渴望。当「光」逐渐暗淡或完全消失时,我们再看不到周遭事物的真面貌。在深夜里,我们感到恐惧不安,我们焦躁地等待黎明的来临。亲爱的年轻人,做守护黎明的警卫(参阅依廿一11-12)就全靠你们了,你们要宣告旭日的来临,也就是复活基督的来临!
4. 亲爱的年轻朋友,是我们为第十七届世界青年日做好准备的时候了。我请各位研读《新千年的开始》文告,这是我在今年年初发表的,为陪伴所有基督徒踏上教会及人类生命中的新阶段:「一个新的世纪、新的千年,正在基督的光照下展开。但不是每个人都看得见这光。把这光反射出来,是我们的使命;这个使命虽美好,要求却很严苛」(54)。是的,是履行使命的时候了!在你的教区和堂区、在你参加的各种运动、善会和团体中,基督在召唤你;教会欢迎你,她是共融与祈祷的家庭、学校。请深入研读天主圣言,让圣言启发照亮你的心灵思想!从和好圣事及圣体圣事中汲取力量!请参加朝拜圣体,那是拜访天主,与天主的亲密接触、倾心交谈。这样,日复一日,你会获得新的力量,去安慰受苦者,去缔造世界和平。许多人的生命受到伤害:他们被排除在经济成长之外,没有居室、没有家人、没有工作;有些人迷失在充满虚幻假像的世界中,或是放弃了一切希望。借着默观复活基督面容上闪耀的光辉,你要学习像「光明之子和白日之子」(得前五5)那样生活;向所有的人证明「光明所结的果实,就是各种良善、正义和诚实」(弗五9)
5. 亲爱的青年朋友,多伦多在等着所有能够参加下届世界青年日的朋友!在那个多元文化、多种信仰的都市中心,我们要宣讲基督是人类的唯一救主、救恩的普世性,而教会则是这救恩的圣事。上主十分渴望「他们都合而为一」(若十七11),为答复上主热切的邀请,我们要祈求所有基督徒都能在真理和爱德中完全共融。
二○○一年七月廿五日 发自梵蒂冈夏宫


Dear Young People!
1. I have vivid memories of the wonderful moments we shared in Rome during the Jubilee of the Year 2000, when you came on pilgrimage to the Tombs of the Apostles Peter and Paul. In long silent lines you passed through the Holy Door and prepared to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation; then the Evening Vigil and Morning Mass at Tor Vergata were moments of intense spirituality and a deep experience of the Church; with renewed faith, you went home to undertake the mission I entrusted to you: to become, at the dawn of the new millennium, fearless witnesses to the Gospel.
By now World Youth Day has become an important part of your life and of the life of the Church. I invite you therefore to get ready for the seventeenth celebration of this great international event, to be held in Toronto, Canada, in the summer of next year. It will be another chance to meet Christ, to bear witness to his presence in today’s society, and to become builders of the "civilization of love and truth".
2. "You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world" (Mt 5:13-14): this is the theme I have chosen for the next World Youth Day. The images of salt and light used by Jesus are rich in meaning and complement each other. In ancient times, salt and light were seen as essential elements of life.
"You are the salt of the earth...". One of the main functions of salt is to season food, to give it taste and flavour. This image reminds us that, through Baptism, our whole being has been profoundly changed, because it has been "seasoned" with the new life which comes from Christ (cf. Rom 6:4). The salt which keeps our Christian identity intact even in a very secularized world is the grace of Baptism. Through Baptism we are re-born. We begin to live in Christ and become capable of responding to his call to "offer [our] bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God" (Rom 12:1). Writing to the Christians of Rome, Saint Paul urges them to show clearly that their way of living and thinking was different from that of their contemporaries: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect" (Rom 12:2).
For a long time, salt was also used to preserve food. As the salt of the earth, you are called to preserve the faith which you have received and to pass it on intact to others. Your generation is being challenged in a special way to keep safe the deposit of faith (cf. 2 Th 2:15; 1 Tim 6:20; 2 Tim 1:14).
Discover your Christian roots, learn about the Church’s history, deepen your knowledge of the spiritual heritage which has been passed on to you, follow in the footsteps of the witnesses and teachers who have gone before you! Only by staying faithful to God’s commandments, to the Covenant which Christ sealed with his blood poured out on the Cross, will you be the apostles and witnesses of the new millennium.
It is the nature of human beings, and especially youth, to seek the Absolute, the meaning and fullness of life. Dear young people, do not be content with anything less than the highest ideals! Do not let yourselves be dispirited by those who are disillusioned with life and have grown deaf to the deepest and most authentic desires of their heart. You are right to be disappointed with hollow entertainment and passing fads, and with aiming at too little in life. If you have an ardent desire for the Lord you will steer clear of the mediocrity and conformism so widespread in our society.
3. "You are the light of the world...". For those who first heard Jesus, as for us, the symbol of light evokes the desire for truth and the thirst for the fullness of knowledge which are imprinted deep within every human being.
When the light fades or vanishes altogether, we no longer see things as they really are. In the heart of the night we can feel frightened and insecure, and we impatiently await the coming of the light of dawn. Dear young people, it is up to you to be the watchmen of the morning (cf. Is 21:11-12) who announce the coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ!
The light which Jesus speaks of in the Gospel is the light of faith, God’s free gift, which enlightens the heart and clarifies the mind. "It is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness’, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God on the face of Christ" (2 Cor 4:6). That is why the words of Jesus explaining his identity and his mission are so important: "I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (Jn 8:12).
Our personal encounter with Christ bathes life in new light, sets us on the right path, and sends us out to be his witnesses. This new way of looking at the world and at people, which comes to us from him, leads us more deeply into the mystery of faith, which is not just a collection of theoretical assertions to be accepted and approved by the mind, but an experience to be had, a truth to be lived, the salt and light of all reality (cf. Veritatis Splendor, 88).
In this secularized age, when many of our contemporaries think and act as if God did not exist or are attracted to irrational forms of religion, it is you, dear young people, who must show that faith is a personal decision which involves your whole life. Let the Gospel be the measure and guide of life’s decisions and plans! Then you will be missionaries in all that you do and say, and wherever you work and live you will be signs of God’s love, credible witnesses to the loving presence of Jesus Christ. Never forget: "No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a bushel" (Mt 5:15)!
Just as salt gives flavour to food and light illumines the darkness, so too holiness gives full meaning to life and makes it reflect God’s glory. How many saints, especially young saints, can we count in the Church’s history! In their love for God their heroic virtues shone before the world, and so they became models of life which the Church has held up for imitation by all. Let us remember only a few of them: Agnes of Rome, Andrew of Phú Yên, Pedro Calungsod, Josephine Bakhita, Thérèse of Lisieux, Pier Giorgio Frassati, Marcel Callo, Francisco Castelló Aleu or again Kateri Tekakwitha, the young Iroquois called "the Lily of the Mohawks". Through the intercession of this great host of witnesses, may God make you too, dear young people, the saints of the third millennium!
4. Dear friends, it is time to get ready for the Seventeenth World Youth Day. I invite you to read and study the Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte, which I wrote at the beginning of the year to accompany all Christians on this new stage of the life of the Church and humanity: "A new century, a new millennium are opening in the light of Christ. But not everyone can see this light. Ours is the wonderful and demanding task of becoming its ‘reflection’" (No. 54).
Yes, now is the time for mission! In your Dioceses and parishes, in your movements, associations and communities, Christ is calling you. The Church welcomes you and wishes to be your home and your school of communion and prayer. Study the Word of God and let it enlighten your minds and hearts. Draw strength from the sacramental grace of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Visit the Lord in that "heart to heart" contact that is Eucharistic Adoration. Day after day, you will receive new energy to help you to bring comfort to the suffering and peace to the world. Many people are wounded by life: they are excluded from economic progress, and are without a home, a family, a job; there are people who are lost in a world of false illusions, or have abandoned all hope. By contemplating the light radiant on the face of the Risen Christ, you will learn to live as "children of the light and children of the day" (1 Th 5:5), and in this way you will show that "the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true" (Eph 5:9).
5. Dear young friends, Toronto is waiting for all of you who can make it! In the heart of a multi-cultural and multi-faith city, we shall speak of Christ as the one Saviour and proclaim the universal salvation of which the Church is the sacrament. In response to the pressing invitation of the Lord who ardently desires "that all may be one" (Jn 17:11), we shall pray for full communion among Christians in truth and charity.
Come, and make the great avenues of Toronto resound with the joyful tidings that Christ loves every person and brings to fulfilment every trace of goodness, beauty and truth found in the city of man. Come, and tell the world of the happiness you have found in meeting Jesus Christ, of your desire to know him better, of how you are committed to proclaiming the Gospel of salvation to the ends of the earth!
The young people of Canada, together with their Bishops and the civil authorities, are already preparing to welcome you with great warmth and hospitality. For this I thank them all from my heart. May this first World Youth Day of the new millennium bring to everyone a message of faith, hope and love!
My blessing goes with you. And to Mary Mother of the Church I entrust each one of you, your vocation and your mission.
From Castel Gandolfo, 25 July 2001

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